HDF5 File Structure
Sensor raw data are stored in HDF5 files.
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Sensor raw data are stored in HDF5 files.
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Sensors are grouped according to their sensor name. Integrations are stored as datasets in a subgroup called Rawdata. The name of a dataset is a combination of its timestamp and integration counter.
Each dataset (integration) is a 6 x 256 array. Each dataset contains six 256-channel spectra for cal_HH, cal_VV, data_HH, data_VV, data_U, and data_V:
cal_HH, cal_VV: auto-correlation products of the calibration load
data_HH, data_VV: auto-correlations products of the soil signal
data_U, data_V: cross-correlations products of the soil signal
Each integration is stored with a set of metadata. Most of the metadata fields are self-explanatory, except for the following ones:
accelerometer: A 3-element array containing the output of the accelerometer for the x, y, and z-axis. The look angle of the sensor is .
bw_mhz: Sensor bandwidth in MHz.
course_deg: GPS course (azimuth) in degrees.
flight_counter: A counter that increases when the drone returns to its "home" position. This can be used to identify battery swaps.
freq_mhz: Sensor centre frequency in MHz.
gyro: A 3-element array containing the gyroscope output for the x, y, and z-axis.
integration: Counter increases for each new integration containing cal-load and soil signal.
lna_temperature_degC: The physical temperature of the calibration load in degrees Celsius.
runtime: Sensor runtime since powerup in milliseconds.
sats: 2-element array containing the number of GPS satellites used and visible.
sf_mhz: Sampling frequency in MHz. The frequency of each channel is:
speed_kmh: GPS speed in km/h.